PMD News

Report for November

Unable to put November Report in proper place so I am going to try and put it in a post.

Up date on Berean MBC #14

The ceiling and tile is being completed, it is going to be another beautiful building. The church this week baptized six; since the first of January she has baptized 28 and 10 more are awaiting baptism. Even though the building…
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As most are aware, we have two building going on at this time, number 14 and 15, the third , #16 has been chosen and over half of the needed funds have already been received. I expect to be looking…
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Abner and Mariette Tuazon

I am pleased to have the privilege of working with Abner Tuazon, and also to be able to call him a friend. He and his good wife Mariette have four beautiful children of whom I have grown to love. Their…
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Latest Pictures of Emanuel MBC#16.

I spoke with the pastor, they are in a position to put the roof on and this will dry the building in, they they can begin finishing the inside. The people are excited.

Up Date on #15 Berean mBC

Construction has slowed to some degree, the crew had to be cut back, but the work is continuing, the CR, Comfort Room, or as we call it simply a rest room. The church voted to let the rental unit go…
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Berean MBC, the work continues at a brisk pace as completion of the part PMD is responsible for draws near. When the project began it was agreed the church would be responsible for the first floor and PMD would purchase all the material for the second floor, which would be the Worship area, or Auditorium. We have sent the last draw of $8,000.00, this will complete the $50,000.00 that PMD committed to in helping with this project.

A very beautiful building is being constructed with highway frontage. vinal under eaves out to the gutters. The opposit side of the building.