Pastor Chris David sent pictures of their building, he stated, “finally it is finished”. Praise the Lord, another beautiful building for the Honor and Glory of God.
What many do not realize, this building, like all the other projects of PMD, makes a statement, “it says we are real, we are here to stay, we are here to represent our Lord and be a blessing to you the people in this community, our Island, the entire Philippines and the world as we share the Good News of the Gospel. The Churches of the American Baptist Association (ABA) can be pleased at how God has used PMD to expand their Mission efforts in the Philippines. PMD has helped churches who were already establish and wanting to grow and expand their own ministry with a tool. The building is simply a tool to be used to help them grow to where they can fulfill the Great Commission themselves. Thanks to White Rock MBC, (Sponsor), Ind. Calvary MBC (Co-Sponsor and all the churches, individuals, both in the U.S. and Philippines who pray and support this great ministry. THANK YOU.