The month of March was a busy month; visited several churches in the U.S. and began our trip to the Philippines on the 22nd , returning home on April 6th. It was a good trip, very productive and also enjoyable. During this time we attended the Dedication of three buildings, participated in a ground breaking service for Project # 16, visited with the church, inspected the property for project #17, visited several of the former projects , and was given the privilege of being the guest speaker at the 39th Commencement of LMBIS @ Malolos City, Bulacan. On our drive from General Santos to Davao we stopped by one of the former Missions of Westside MBC and spent a few moments with a very dear and special young man, Noel Bader. Another Pastor and good friend from my seminary days at TBI drove three hours to be with us in the ground breaking service of #16, and then drove us to the Air Port. It was a blessing to have the opportunity to visit and fellowship with my good friend Elbert Paglimawuan.
It was a good month financially, receiving $6,603.00 for the project fund, with $55,000. set aside for #16, there is a balance of $37,929 in the fund. The rest of the financial report is on the back of this report.
A hardy Thank You to all that were praying, and those contributed to the Philippine Travel Fund, without you it would not have been possible.
God loves you and so do I.
Wayne Stringer Director of Promotion USA
Abner Tuazon Director of Promotion Philippines
Good News MBC, day of dedication
Emanuel MBC, day of dedication
Ground Breaking for Project # 16 Christian MBC Escalante City
Congrecation of Bical MBC, New Project #17
Explaining to Church requirements
Good Friend from Seminary days (the 80’s) Elbert Paglimawuan drove 3 hours to be with us