December Report


December was another good month, God is so good, He just keeps on showing us how much  He is behind this Ministry in so many ways.  Not only by keeping us safe, but by continuing to encourage individuals and churches to partner with us and White Rock MBC.  We have set several record offering in the past few months, but December beat them all, we closed December with a balance in the Project fund of $56,508.26 and received for this fund $10,281.84, the rest of the report is on the back of this report.  It is so humbling to see how God is blessing the entire Ministry, it is difficult to put into words how we appreciate the love everyone has shown Novis and me with the salary, Christmas bonuses and love offerings.  Thank you from  the bottom of our hearts. 

We are looking at beginning number 16, we have the funds needed, just waiting on the church to get all of their things in line before construction begins.  We have a couple of churches interested in becoming # 17, they need to get some things worked out to become a project.

We slowed down in December a little, not much, we visited Green Mt. MBC in Vermont, flew up on a Saturday and back on Monday, good trip, pray for this church as they seek a pastor.  We were also with Zion Hill MBC Henderson, Texas, our sponsoring church, White Rock and Austin Chapel MBC. 

If you would like to help the churches in the Philipppines damaged by the storm in December, send the check to PMD, be sure and put in the note section it is for the typhoon damaged churches.

We are still in hopes of traveling to the Philippines in March or April, it will depent upon how the virus opens up or shuts down travel.  We are leaving it up to the Lord. 

I have a prayer request, my health is still very good, but Novis is having sugar and afib  problems, pray for her, she is an important part of this ministry.

Remember, God loves you, and so do we.  God Bless

Wayne Stringer   Director of Promotions US

Abner Tuazon Director of Promotions Philippines

  • Register of monies received from U.S. Churches in Dec 2021:

Beginning Balance 12/01/21:    $8,085.78

Anonymous                            $100.00                                           
Cross Roads MBC, Hughes Springs, TX  $ 50.00
Hart, Bubba & Janet, De Kalb, TX     $ 55.00
Rocky Branch MBC, Naples, TX         $ 50.00
Stringer, Wayne, De Kalb, TX         $ 35.00

Total Recv’d for Travel – Dec: $  290.00

Travel Fund Ending Balance:    $8,375.78


Anonymous                        $100.00                                  
Antioch BC, Center, TX           $ 83.50
Austin Chapel MBC, De Kalb, TX   $ 50.00
Avery MBC, Avery, TX             $ 50.00
Bethel MBC, Ashdown, AR          $ 50.00
Bethlehem MBC, Joaquin, TX       $ 25.00
Corinth BC, Timpson, TX          $100.00
Crestview MBC, Arlington, TX     $ 60.00
Eastside BC, Broken Bow, OK      $ 50.00
Echo Hills MBC, Redwater, TX     $ 50.00
Esworthy, Craig/Tanya, Benton, AR  $1,500.00
Faith BC, Homer, LA              $ 69.59
FBC of Inwood, Inwood, WV        $100.00
Hawthorne MBC, Shelbyville, TX   $ 50.00
Hillcrest MBC, Paris, TX         $ 47.00
Kirbyville MBC, Kirbyville, TX   $ 50.00
Liberty MBC, Mt Pleasant, TX     $ 50.00
Line Creek MBC, Ida, LA          $157.85
Maple Grove MBC, Longbranch, TX  $ 25.00
New Friendship MBC, Benton, AR   $170.24
Rocky Branch MBC, Naples, TX     $ 50.00
Roquemore MBC, Henderson, TX     $ 24.12
Unity MBC, DeWitt, AR            $500.00
White Rock MBC, Center, TX       $500.00
Zion Hill BC, Henderson, TX	   $125.00 

Total Salary Received in Dec:  $4,037.30


Parr, Jerry & Martha,
  Mt Pleasant, TX              $1,000.00

Abounding Grace BC, Choctaw, OK      $ 75.00

Anonymous                            $ 25.00

Antioch BC, Center, TX               $ 83.50

Austin Chapel MBC, De Kalb, TX       $ 25.00

Avery MBC, Avery, TX                 $ 50.00

Bethel MBC, Ashdown, AR              $ 50.00                 

Bethlehem MBC, Joaquin, TX           $ 25.00

Blue Ribbon MBC, Lone Grove, OK      $100.00

Bogata MBC, Bogata, TX               $ 50.00                   

Concord MBC, Concord, AR             $345.40

Cross Roads MBC, Hughes Springs, TX  $100.00

Echo Hills MBC, Redwater, TX         $778.28

Ethel MBC, Antlers, OK               $ 55.00

Fellowship BC, Joaquin, TX           $ 25.00

Fellowship MBC, Pasadena, TX         $ 50.00

First BC, Delight, AR                $100.00

Grace MBC, Auburn, GA                $ 25.00

Grace Temple BC, Mt Pleasant, TX     $ 25.00

Green Mountain MBC, Rutland, VT      $175.00

Hawthorne MBC, Shelbyville, TX       $ 50.00

Hopewell MBC, Ashdown, AR            $134.00

Johntown MBC, Bogata, TX             $ 60.00

Kirbyville MBC, Kirbyville, TX       $ 50.00

Landmark MBC, Athens, TX             $100.00

Landmark MBC, Vilonia, AR            $ 47.38

Liberty MBC, McKinney, TX            $ 25.00

Liberty MBC, Mt Pleasant, TX         $ 50.00

Liberty Hill MBC, Mt Pleasant, TX    $163.00

Line Creek MBC, Ida, LA              $157.85

Longbranch MBC, Carthage, TX         $ 50.00

Marlow BC, Marlow, OK                $200.00

Mt Carmel MBC, Bradford, AR          $ 50.00

New Liberty MBC, Garland, TX         $ 50.00

North Loop BC, Crockett, TX          $100.00

Oakridge MBC, Maud, TX               $298.00

Parsons, Terry & Sherry, Benton, AR  $400.00

Payne Springs BC, Mabank, TX         $252.93

Quaker Avenue MBC, Lubbock, TX       $ 25.00

San Augustine MBC, San Augustine, TX $ 15.00

Timpson MBC Youth, Timpson, TX       $ 50.00

Two Grey Hills MBC, Newcomb, NM      $ 25.00

Unity MBC, Stuart, VA               $ 25.00

Vaughn, Sheila, Dickinson, TX      $5,000.00

Westside MBC, New Boston, TX         $381.50

Westview BC, Gatesville, TX          $ 25.00

White Rock MBC, Center, TX           $ 75.00

Whitton, Cecil & Kay, Timpson, TX    $135.00

Zion Hill BC, Henderson, TX          $125.00

Total Received for Project-Dec:   $10,281.84

Previous Balance:                 $50,219.19

Withdrawal(12/15/21) Emmanuel BC -$ 4,000.00

Withdrawal fee – (12/15/21)      -$     5.00

Interest Paid (12/31/21)          $    12.23

New Bank Balance:                 $56,508.26


Beginning Balance 12/01/21:    $8,085.78

Anonymous                            $100.00                                           

Cross Roads MBC, Hughes Springs, TX  $ 50.00

Hart, Bubba & Janet, De Kalb, TX     $ 55.00

Rocky Branch MBC, Naples, TX         $ 50.00

Stringer, Wayne, De Kalb, TX         $ 35.00

Total Recv’d for Travel – Dec: $  290.00

Travel Fund Ending Balance:    $8,375.78



Anonymous                        $100.00                                 

Antioch BC, Center, TX           $ 83.50

Austin Chapel MBC, De Kalb, TX   $ 50.00

Avery MBC, Avery, TX             $ 50.00

Bethel MBC, Ashdown, AR          $ 50.00

Bethlehem MBC, Joaquin, TX       $ 25.00

Corinth BC, Timpson, TX          $100.00

Crestview MBC, Arlington, TX     $ 60.00

Eastside BC, Broken Bow, OK      $ 50.00

Echo Hills MBC, Redwater, TX     $ 50.00

Esworthy, Craig/Tanya, Benton, AR  $1,500.00

Faith BC, Homer, LA              $ 69.59

FBC of Inwood, Inwood, WV        $100.00

Hawthorne MBC, Shelbyville, TX   $ 50.00

Hillcrest MBC, Paris, TX         $ 47.00

Kirbyville MBC, Kirbyville, TX   $ 50.00

Liberty MBC, Mt Pleasant, TX     $ 50.00

Line Creek MBC, Ida, LA          $157.85

Maple Grove MBC, Longbranch, TX  $ 25.00

New Friendship MBC, Benton, AR   $170.24

Rocky Branch MBC, Naples, TX     $ 50.00

Roquemore MBC, Henderson, TX     $ 24.12

Unity MBC, DeWitt, AR            $500.00

White Rock MBC, Center, TX       $500.00

Zion Hill BC, Henderson, TX      $125.00

Total Salary Received in Dec:  $4,037.30


Parr, Jerry & Martha,

  Mt Pleasant, TX              $1,000.00